Seatone’s work spans nearly twenty countries and has generated broad and lasting impacts. Learn about some of our most recent engagements and download workshop summaries, reports and practical tools in blue in the project descriptions below.
Data Development and Spatial Suitability Modeling to Inform Offshore Wind and Aquaculture
NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Seatone supports the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management with data development workshops around the United States and its territories. These multi-day events bring data experts in particular regions together to identify best available spatial data in state, federal and territorial waters to increase capacity for marine spatial planning as offshore wind and offshore aquaculture projects are proposed. Outcomes emerging from each workshop will assist coastal managers, environmental organizations, academia and industry with planning for future development of the blue economy. View Seatone co-authored workshop reports from the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the Southeast Atlantic Region. Reports are pending in the months ahead from Guam and the Central Atlantic Region. The pace of activities is driven by the Biden Administration goal of securing 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030 and deploying 15 gigawatts of floating wind technology by 2035.
Workshop Series and Congressional Report on the Prospects of Seaweed and Seagrass
U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Seatone provided facilitation support to USDA and the Bigelow Laboratory of Ocean Sciences in their joint effort to coordinate the Interagency Working Group for Farming Seaweeds and Seagrasses. Seatone helped design and facilitate a workshop series focused on the development of a report to Congress on the prospects of seaweed and seagrass farming in waters of the United States. The series secured broad stakeholder input from around the nation to help fill critical knowledge gaps in seaweed and seagrass research, explore the latest research updates, and look ahead in developing the blue economy. USDA and Bigelow released the congressional report, Farming Seagrasses – Responsible Restoration and Revenue Generation, in September, 2024.
Alaska Aquaculture Opportunity Areas Marine Spatial Planning Workshops
NOAA Fisheries, NOAA National Centers for for Coastal Ocean Science, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and the State of Alaska
NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, and the State of Alaska jointly convened two workshops during winter/spring 2023 to discuss the ongoing Aquaculture Opportunity Area identification process in Alaska state waters. First held in Anchorage, then Juneau, these events provided a forum for a range of stakeholder interests to share information, identify best available science, and inform future planning efforts. On day two in Juneau, Ecotrust assisted NOAA in the design and facilitation of a Tribal engagement panel. NOAA anticipates that workshop outcomes will assist coastal managers, communities, Tribes, industry and other organizations with planning for future development of aquaculture in Alaska. Further NOAA engagement with the range of interested parties continues to evolve. View the Alaska AOA Spatial Planning Workshops Report for a summary of outputs.
Operating Procedures for the Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative
The Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative
The Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative is an ambitious regional initiative to monitor and evaluate Klamath River restoration opportunities in the face of an ecological system in crisis and several imperiled fish species requiring Endangered Species Act protections. Key collaborators include Tribes, federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. These partners have built and are growing a database which facilitates access to shared, standardized data that is critical to assess the effects of water management, fisheries management, ecosystem restoration actions, and the effects of dam removal on multiple fish species in the Klamath Basin. Seatone conducted a rapid situational assessment, then assisted the group to articulate and forge agreement on its purpose, strategic lines of action, and procedures and rules. At its annual 2023 meeting, the full group of regional partners from across the Klamath Basin adopted by consensus the Operating Guidelines for the Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative.
Development of New Fishery Independent Surveys in the Gulf of Mexico
NOAA Fisheries and Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission
From 2021 to 2023, Seatone provided facilitation support to NOAA Fisheries and the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission (GSMFC) to convene a project which sought to enhance existing fishery independent surveys or develop new surveys as the Gulf of Mexico moves towards Ecosystem Based Fishery Management. At the outset, Seatone conducted a situational assessment to identify current and future data needs; support the project coordinator and technical team to propose new analysis goals and approaches; and explore how the steering committee would advance its collaborative work. Over the course of two years, Seatone then provided facilitation support to the steering committee and three established technical subcommittees. View the final Optimizing Fishery Independent Surveys in the Gulf of Mexico Project Report.
Klamath Basin Collaboration on Water and Restoration of the Klamath River
Klamath Communities Coalition or “Coalition of the Willing”
From 2019 to early 2022, Seatone provided facilitation and process design support to a grassroots coalition of diverse parties from across the Klamath Basin focused on water, ecological restoration and endangered species challenges. The Coalition included environmental organizations, farmers and ranchers, Native American Tribes, business interests and local counties and cities among others. Collaborative work focused primarily on sustainable management of fish and water—including water quality, agriculture, wildlife, and recreation—through identification of actions that local communities can implement and sustain into the future. 23 parties forged a consensus plan of action in summer 2020. The plan outlined what brought this group together, describes the Coalition’s purpose and projects ahead, and maps out future strategic lines of action. This set the stage for project-based work in multiple areas, some of which continues today. The group was unable to forge a more comprehensive agreement to restart negotiations around water since the collapse of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement in 2015. Removal of the Klamath dams has since proceeded and many of the same partners of this initiative are engaged in restoration efforts across the basin. Conflict around water resources and endangered species remain high in the region.
Seaweed as an Alternative Livestock Feed Workshop
World Wildlife Fund
Seatone assisted senior staff from World Wildlife Fund’s aquaculture program, as well as its partners at the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E Program and the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, to design and facilitate a multi-day workshop focused on the prospect of seaweed as an alternative livestock feed that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated from the beef and dairy industry. The workshop brought together key constituents from all stages of the industry supply chain—seaweed research and production, livestock feed production, dairy and beef producers, and bulk purchasers. Seatone staff worked with a steering committee to design and facilitate all elements of the workshop, then subsequently prepared a workshop report which is helping guide future collaboration on this issue around the world.
Alaska Mariculture Workshop
NOAA Fisheries and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
Seatone assisted NOAA Fisheries and the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission to convene a multi-day workshop with more than 60 mariculture development stakeholders from around the state. Participants explored policy and permitting challenges, brainstormed how to build capacity of hatchery and nursery operations, and learned about a new mariculture mapping tool. Several priority action areas emerged over the course of two days, as well as a vision of what research and industry development will look like in the years ahead. (View workshop summary here).
Public Meetings to Inform the California Wildlife Conservation Board Strategic Plan
California Wildlife Conservation Board
In his capacity as a senior mediator for Sacramento State University, Rich Wilson assisted the California Wildlife Conservation Board in designing and facilitating a series of public meetings which solicited input that will inform refinement of the Board’s five year strategic plan. Mr. Wilson is helped senior level Board staff to design a pre-public engagement survey which identified priority stakeholder interests and informed development of the meeting agenda and associated public meeting facilitation plan. Mr. Wilson worked closely with Board staff to design and facilitate all elements of the agenda, including presentations, interactive breakout sessions and open group discussion. Meetings took place in both southern and northern California.
Workshop on Vegetation Type Conversation of Western US Forests
United States Geological Survey
Seatone assisted a steering committee of forest ecologists to plan a multi-day workshop to compile information on known cases of vegetation type conversion (VTC) in western forests, identify the underlying mechanism that led to VTC, and articulate current and future responses and management responses. The workshop brought together a wide range of forest ecologists, research managers and other researchers to conceptualize VTC, identify potential sources of data, identify site and landscape characteristics, and explore management strategies and outcome criteria. Seatone facilitated all elements of the workshop and provided outputs to the steering committee to support its efforts to publish a high quality, peer-reviewed document based on information put forward by workshop participants.
Aquaculture Gear/Protected Species Interaction Workshop
NOAA Fisheries – Office of Aquaculture
Seatone supported a stakeholder planning committee, convened by NOAA’s west coast aquaculture coordinator, to design a multi-day aquaculture gear and protected species interactions workshop. The workshop brought agencies and stakeholders together to explore and map out coordination opportunities linked to permitting, scientific research, farm siting and design, and development of monitoring protocols that minimize the risk of marine mammals and turtles becoming entangled with offshore marine finfish aquaculture farms. Seatone prepared the agenda and facilitation plan, facilitated all elements of the multi-day event, and subsequently prepared the workshop report. Outputs and momentum generated from this event led to the formation of the Southern California Offshore Aquaculture Interagency Working Group.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Planning in Siskiyou County, California
Siskiyou County/California Department of Water Resources
Seatone assisted the Siskiyou County Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA), under a Department of Water Resources Facilitation Support Services Work Order, to advance implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Mr. Wilson conducted a stakeholder assessment and utilized findings to assist the county in developing an optimal governance structure, membership composition and process design for GSA advisory committees in the Shasta Valley, Scott Valley and Butte Valley groundwater basins. Mr. Wilson regularly facilitated meetings that bring together farmers and ranchers, tribes, environmental groups, rural residential well owners, scientists and government authorities to collaboratively develop a state-required groundwater sustainability plan for each basin. Mr. Wilson is also assisting the local GSA and its committees to develop a public outreach and stakeholder engagement strategy.
Strategic Planning and Facilitation Support for Federal Forest Management
United States Forest Service
In his capacity as a senior facilitator/mediator with Sacramento State University, Rich Wilson assisted senior USFS staff in the Region 9 office, on an as needed basis, with internal agency strategic planning focused on analysis of current program of work, identification of priorities and bottlenecks, and needed steps to improve cross-program staff coordination, communication and work efficiencies. In addition, Mr. Wilson assists appropriate region staff in public outreach and engagement, specifically related to objectives resolutions meetings, public input on forest plan revisions, and other agency decisions. Rich previously supported USFS staff with strategic planning aimed at completing all sections of draft environmental impact statements for the Inyo, Sequoia and Southern Sierra National Forest Land Management Plans.
Facilitation Training for Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Staff
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Seatone worked with senior staff of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to design, lead and evaluate a training on the core elements of facilitation, conflict management and consensus building. Seatone conducted a situation assessment with select staff members to identify priority training needs, opportunities and interests; developed all training modules (presentations, interactive exercises and role play scenarios); led all aspects of the multi-day training; and conducted an evaluation of the event and debrief with senior staff. Seatone is currently providing mentoring services as staff apply new knowledge and skills gained during the training.
Facilitation of 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2022 NOAA Fisheries-State Directors Meeting
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commissions
Rich Wilson has repeatedly lent support to a steering committee of leaders from NOAA Fisheries, the nation’s Interstate Marine Fisheries Commissions (Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific), and select state resource management agency directors to develop the agendas and facilitation strategies for the 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2022 NOAA Fisheries-State Directors meeting. The meetings are designed to enhance communication and collaboration among the nation’s top federal and state fishery managers. Across all of these gatherings, Rich has helped participants forge consensus on a wide range of action that, over time, have improved coordination and relationships between state and federal fishery managers. Following each meeting, Seatone documents and distributes the meeting summary to all participants.
Mid-term Evaluation of the Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program
United States Agency for International Development
Seatone, as part of a multi-person team, supported a midterm evaluation of the USAID funded Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program. The evaluation focused on two key program components: 1) effective management and governance of marine protected areas and 2) sustainable fisheries and fisher livelihoods. Seatone played a lead role in the development of evaluation instruments and field interview protocols; development of a tool to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of MPA management plans across the region; analysis of protected area management effectiveness evaluations; and facilitation of field interviews with key project stakeholders across multiple countries. Seatone helped lead post field trip analysis of all collected data and subsequent preparation of draft and final evaluation reports for USAID.
Training in Key Principles and Practices of Participatory Planning
The Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL)
Seatone developed a multi-day training for senior staff and international program managers from around the world. The training combined presentations, interactive exercises and role play scenarios on the key principles and practices of participatory planning. Training participants learned and were afforded the opportunity to practice facilitative leadership skills, methods for conducting a conflict assessment and designing a participatory stakeholder process, and ways to plan and run successful, inclusive and results-oriented meetings.
Jamaica Fish Sanctuary Network Capacity Assessment and Training
The Nature Conservancy – Jamaica Program
Seatone assisted The Nature Conservancy in conducting a rapid capacity assessment and management effectiveness evaluation of Jamaica’s burgeoning fish sanctuary network. Seatone used evaluation results to design and facilitate a tailored training course that addressed capacity gaps and priority needs of management organizations charged with building and managing 17 protected sites across the network. The evaluation and associated training produced minimum performance standards for key management activities—human resource investments, enforcement operations, biophysical monitoring and financial management. Seatone subsequently prepared a comprehensive report which includes evaluation results of all fish sanctuary management organizations, draft performance standards and action plans developed by workshop participants, and recommended steps for building capacity and competency across the network.
Development of a Paper on Climate Change Impacts to Mangroves in Caribbean SIDS
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
Seatone conducted a literature review peer reviewed science and subsequently prepared the paper Impacts of Climate Change on Mangrove Ecosystems in the Coastal and Marine Environments of Caribbean Small Island Developing States for the United Kingdom Commonwealth Heads of Government. The effort is part of a collaborative led by the Commonwealth Marine Economies Program (CMEP). The collaborative brings together United Kingdom marine institutes, national governments of commonwealth small island developing states (SIDS) and regional organizations, to help support maritime development in SIDS. Climate change is a strategic priority for CMEP and one of its first key outputs is the Caribbean climate change report card.
Workshop on Offshore Aquaculture in the Southern California Bight (Part 2/2016)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Aquarium of the Pacific
Building on the summer 2015 aquaculture workshop (described below), Seatone provided planning and facilitation support to a diverse array of stakeholders—including permitting agencies, conservation non-profits, scientists and other government authorities—who gathered to explore the AquaModel as a potential decision-support tool that may improve the permitting review process for offshore aquaculture in the Southern California Bight (SCB). The second day of the event, designed specifically for agencies with permitting authority or other interests in offshore aquaculture in the region, explored current levels of regulatory confidence held by permitting agencies. Read the final workshop series report that is expected to inform ongoing collaboration and potential development of offshore aquaculture development in the SCB.
National Workshop on Artificial Reefs in US Waters
NOAA Fisheries and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Seatone supported NOAA Fisheries, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and a steering committee of academic experts and practitioners to design and facilitate a national workshop on artificial reefs in US waters. The workshop brought together planners, resource managers, scientists and fishermen from around the country to assess the current state of science and determine the effectiveness and efficacy of artificial reefs as a fishery management planning tool. Seatone conducted a pre-workshop survey of participant views and perspectives, and then utilized results with the steering committee to design the workshop agenda, identify guest speakers and then facilitate all elements of the two-day workshop in the Washington D.C. area. Seatone also researched state programs and current artificial reef science, and then prepared a participant workbook as a resource tool for all attendees. Read the workshop summary prepared by Seatone to see the range of outputs generated from this national event.
Situational Analysis and Training for the 2015 Mesoamerican Reef Leadership Program Cohort, Central America
Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Seatone, working in partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI), assisted the Mesoamerican Reef Leadership Program (MAR-L) in design and execution of its 2015 training series, which focused on conservation and economic valuation of mangroves. The MAR-L offers training and project incubation opportunities to emerging conservation leaders from all relevant sectors, including non-profit organizations, government, the private sector and academic institutions. Seatone and WRI prepared A Situational Analysis of Mangroves in the Mesoamerican Reef System to help guide the program. The analysis informed a series of trainings for Program Fellows that focused on resource governance, economic valuation of mangrove ecosystems, facilitative leadership, stakeholder engagement, consensus building and organizational development for long-term conservation success. Seatone mentored Fellows throughout the training series as they designed conservation initiatives or economic valuation studies that aim to advance mangrove protection, conservation and restoration across the region.
Technical and Advisory Committee Meetings of the Santa Rosa Plain Basin Advisory Panel
Sonoma County Water Agency
In his capacity as a senior mediator with theCalifornia State University – College of Continuing Education, Rich provided facilitation support services for technical and advisory panel meetings of the Santa Rosa Plain Basin Advisory Panel. The Panel is a stakeholder driven collaborative that developed and is currently advising on implementation of a groundwater management plan for the Santa Rosa Plain groundwater basin in northern California. Panel members include Sonoma County Water Agency staff; water planners from four cities in the jurisdictional area; environmental groups; construction and homeowner associations; and private well owners. Rich played a critical role over four years in helping the group consider and integrate scientific information, manage conflicts and divergent points of view, and ultimately build broad-based support for the first ever groundwater management in the area. View the Santa Rosa Plain Watershed Groundwater Management Plan to see the results of this multi-year collaborative effort.
Workshop on Offshore Aquaculture in the Southern California Bight (Part 1/2015)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Aquarium of the Pacific
Seatone worked with a consortium of government agencies, scientists, non-profits and private sector interests to plan and then lead facilitation of a multi-day workshop focused on the potential of offshore aquaculture development in the Southern California Bight. The workshop explored the nexus of science and policy surrounding aquaculture, and how regulatory agencies can achieve confidence in reviewing, permitting and monitoring projects off the southern California coast. Participants learned about the state of aquaculture science, recent advances in technology, and industry desires to develop pilot projects in the region. Early prioritization of potential environmental impacts helped participants focus later conversations on how best to address identified concerns and ensure growth of an economically and environmentally sustainable industry. Consensus agreements achieved at the culmination of the workshop included 1) support for the strategic goals outlined in the National Strategic Plan for Federal Aquaculture Research and 2) advancement of the California-based interagency working group via increased stakeholder collaboration and problem solving to support sustainable development of aquaculture. Read the workshop report to learn about key findings and consensus based recommendations that are driving next steps for aquaculture development in California.
Design and Pilot Launch of the CaMPAM Mentorship Program for Marine Protected Area Managers, Wider Caribbean
United Nations Environment Program – Caribbean Environment Program (UNEP-CEP)
Seatone supported UNEP-CEP and the Caribbean Marine Protected Area Managers Network and Forum (CaMPAM) through design, coordination and pilot launch of a Mentorship Program for Caribbean Marine Protected Area Managers. Seatone helped recruit senior level Caribbean resource managers and conservation practitioners, and then facilitated a one-week workshop with these mentors to collaboratively design the program framework, medium term strategy and pilot launch implementation plan. Several regional conservation leaders offered additional input to the program framework during a strategic planning session at the 66th annual meeting of Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Seatone then coordinated initial launch of the program in 2014, which resulted in the successful matching of three mentor/mentee pairs who went on to jointly develop mentoring agreements and initiate activities that are enhancing mentee professional competency and associated organizational development. Read the Mentorship Program Concept that Seatone developed for UNEP-CEP to learn more about the program.
National Protected Area Network Management Effectiveness Evaluation, The Bahamas
Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission
Seatone assisted the Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission, Bahamas National Trust, Department of Marine Resources and The Nature Conservancy in conducting a management effectiveness evaluation for the Bahamas protected area network. The Seatone team reviewed the 2009 baseline performance assessment of Bahamas sites and developed a comparative analysis approach for 2009-2014 based on nearly two hundred indicators across the six elements of the World Commission on Protected Areas evaluation framework. Seatone then designed and facilitated a three-day workshop that enabled senior and mid-level protected area staff to evaluate management performance changes over a five year period; better understand challenges and opportunities; identify and prioritize projects; and develop action plans to build capacity and improve management across the network. Seatone subsequently prepared a detailed analysis of current management performance and generated recommendations that the Bahamas National Trust and Department of Marine Resources are using to enhance management effectiveness, organizational development, staff competencies and stakeholder engagement. View the 2014 Bahamas Protected Area Network Management Effectiveness Evaluation to learn more about the results of this effort and the recommendations put forward to guide protected area management across the Bahamas.
Development of a Spiny Lobster Fishery Management Plan, California (USA)
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
In his capacity as a senior mediator for the Sacramento State University Center for Collaborative Policy, Rich Wilson assisted the California Department of Fish and Wildlife with collaborative process design and facilitation of a multi-stakeholder advisory committee that informed development of a California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) fishery management plan. Rich led a team of 3 staff persons who conducted a situational analysis, facilitated advisory committee meetings and helped the group negotiate and forge consensus recommendations, including a commercial trap limit, allocation policy statement and multiple recreational management measures. The California Fish and Game Commission adopted the FMP in April, 2016 and the new regulations go into effect during the 2017/2018 lobster season. View the Lobster Advisory Committee Consensus Recommendations that Rich helped the group negotiate and the California Spiny Lobster Fishery Management Plan that grew from process.
IUCN Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Program Capacity Building Plan, Insular Caribbean
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Seatone designed and proposed an optimal capacity building plan for the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Program (BIOPAMA) in the Insular Caribbean. The comprehensive plan, adapted by senior BIOPAMA staff, is currently guiding IUCN’s efforts to catalyze protected area capacity development and staff training at multiple sites in the Insular Caribbean. Seatone conducted desktop research, interviewed several regional partners and worked closely with IUCN staff to prepare the plan. The plan includes a programmatic framework and associated activities, workplan, evaluation protocols and two-year budget. Early implementation is promoting competency, collaboration and conservation impact in the Insular Caribbean that is expected to evolve beyond the initial two-year programmatic effort.
Training in Marine Protected Area Planning, Biophysical Monitoring and Assessment of Management Effectiveness, The Bahamas
Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission
Seatone supported the Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission through design and facilitation of a one-week training to build the capacity of non-governmental organizations and community groups across the Bahamas to provide skilled assistance to marine resource management agencies in the design, implementation and effective management of the Bahamas marine protected area network. Participants learned and conducted interactive exercises on an array of topics, including IUCN protected area categorization, Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation, biophysical monitoring and management effectiveness evaluation. Stakeholders from different islands identified threats to coastal ecosystems, designed local conservation projects and developed proposals to secure financing. Participants have since utilized workshop outcomes to start non-profit conservation organizations, collaborate with the Bahamas National Trust on design of local protected area networks, and develop mooring buoy programs to mark protected area boundaries.
Strategic Planning for Boundary Expansion of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries, USA
NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries and SeaWeb
Seatone, working in partnership with SeaWeb, designed and facilitated a strategic planning workshop for the Advisory Councils of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries. The Advisory Councils identified, discussed and prioritized issues related to the boundary expansion and environmental review process for each sanctuary. Seatone utilized a pre-workshop stakeholder assessment to design the workshop agenda and facilitation plan. Stakeholder collaboration at the workshop focused on science needs and assessments, alternative energy and aquaculture. Workshop outputs informed sanctuary public scoping efforts to identify issues of concern and develop a draft environmental impact statement for the proposed boundary expansions. NOAA has since revised each sanctuary management plan and published a final environmental impact statement. The expansions encompass the nutrient rich upwelling zone that occurs off Point Arena and flows south into the original sanctuary boundaries.
Issue Briefs on Marine Protected Area Management, Wider Caribbean
Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife
Under the Caribbean Challenge, the government of Italy, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, funded a UNEP-CEP project to strengthen capacity for MPA management across a selection of Caribbean countries. Seatone, working closely with the CaMPAM Coordinator and UNEP’s Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW RAC), identified and synthesized best practices for protected area management, and subsequently crafted issue briefs as a practical tool for managers, fisheries officers and conservation practitioners in the Caribbean and beyond. Seatone researched and authored issue briefs on marine resource governance, sustainable finance and stakeholder engagement. The full set of issue briefs are downloadable on the SPAW RAC website.
Optimal Governance Structures for Marine Resource Management, Montserrat and Anguilla
Fauna and Flora International
Working in support of the Fauna and Flora International (FFI) Caribbean Program, Seatone coordinated with senior FFI staff and government resource management agencies in Montserrat and Anguilla to conduct a situational assessment of institutional capacity limitations, and then strategically plan for enhanced governance and resource management, with a particular focus on marine protected areas. Following an analysis of results from the situational assessment, Seatone designed and facilitated a marine resource governance workshop for both countries that enabled resource managers, non-profit conservation organizations, communities and the private sector to articulate desired governance principles and set specific marine resource management goals.
Stakeholder Assessment, Visioning and Strategic Planning to Advance Sustainable Tourism Practices in the Soufriere Marine Management Area, Saint Lucia
Soufriere Marine Management Association
Seatone conducted a stakeholder assessment for the Soufriere Marine Management Association (SMMA), with a particular focus on marine tourism business practices, resource user conflicts and opportunities for collaboration throughout west side protected areas in St. Lucia. Seatone then worked with protected area staff and SMMA Board members to design and facilitate a sustainable marine tourism workshop. The workshop focused on an analysis of stakeholder assessment results, followed by strategic visioning and planning exercises with high-level government officials, park managers and industry stakeholders. Represented interest groups included the Ministry of Tourism, Heritage and Creative Industries; the Division of Maritime Affairs; the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards; the Department of Fisheries; the Marigot Bay marina; The Soufriere Development Foundation; and several marine tour operators. Seatone integrated assessment and workshop results to craft recommendations for the SMMA on future stakeholder engagement, collaboration and conflict management.
Training in Marine Protected Area Management for Caribbean Managers, Wider Caribbean
United Nations Environment Program – Caribbean Environment Program
Seatone worked closely with UNEP-CEP and the CaMPAM Coordinator to design the two-week 2011 CaMPAM Training of Trainers Course on Marine Protected Area Management, hosted at the Hol Chan Marine Reserve in Belize. Course attendees included twenty protected area managers and fisheries officers from seven Carribean Challenge countries in the Eastern Caribbean. Seatone designed the course objectives and agenda, recruited instructors and Belizean guest lecturers, and led sessions on participatory planning, facilitation basics and conflict management. The multi-disciplinary team of trainers and lecturers taught sessions on a comprehensive array of marine protected area management topics, with a strong emphasis on lessons learned from the Belize experience. Subsequent to the workshop Seatone provided oversight and technical assistance for local capacity building initiatives led by course graduates in seven Eastern Caribbean countries, with support from the CaMPAM small grants program. Shortly after the Belize-based course Seatone designed and led the participatory planning module at the Training of Trainers course in Guadeloupe for French and Dutch protected area managers.
A Social Viability Assessment of Cruise Ship Tourism in Southern Belize
The Belize Tourism Board
In response to a controversial cruise development proposal the Belize Tourism Board contracted Seatone to conduct, as a third-party neutral facilitator, A Social Viability Assessment of Cruise Tourism in Southern Belize. Seatone conducted confidential situation assessment interviews with key interest groups and facilitated a series of public meetings in communities throughout the region. Due to broad scale opposition to the project, Seatone prepared a report for the government that recommended against approval, yet also included alternatives for improving public and private sector collaboration to advance sustainable tourism and conservation of the region’s natural assets. Release of the report led to cancellation of the cruise development project and fostered improved relations between government and civil society groups, notably through development of the tour operator quality assurance/training program.
National Belize Tour Operator Performance Assessment and Quality Assurance Training Program
Belize Tourism Board
Seatone collaborated with the Belize Tourism Board to facilitate a national-level tour operator performance assessment and design a sustainable tourism training-of-trainers course for select industry leaders. Seatone initially developed fifty-nine performance indicators to collect, aggregate and analyze baseline data on tour quality, cultural and environmental performance, and safety from a broad set of Belizean tour operators and tour types. Assessment results informed development of training modules that addressed performance gaps and promoted sustainable practices and Caribbean Community (CARICOM) tourism standards. Seatone subsequently led two training-of-trainers courses for select industry leaders in order to enhance capacity development and training opportunities across Belize.
Strategic Planning for Lionfish Control in the Wider Caribbean
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Comisión Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas, and Reef Environmental Education Foundation
Seatone, working in support of a client consortium, designed and facilitated the first-ever lionfish strategy workshop for the Wider Caribbean. The workshop included forty-five resource managers, fisheries officers and conservation practitioners from sixteen Caribbean countries. Seatone led collaborative planning of a best management practices framework for lionfish control in the Wider Caribbean. Shortly thereafter, workshop outputs informed development, publication and widespread distribution of the hands-on manual Invasive Lionfish: A Guide to Control and Management.
Charter Development for the Environmental Research of Belize
Environmental Research Institute of Belize
Seatone assisted senior staff and Board members of the Environmental Research Institute of Belize in the development of a charter (governance structure) for the organization’s steering committee. Seatone conducted situation assessment interviews with Board members to establish guiding principles for collaboration, identify convergent and divergent perspectives on key operational issues, and secure feedback on decision-making protocols. Seatone subsequently facilitated a strategic planning meeting with the Board that enabled refinement and consensus approval of a new charter.
Evaluating protected area performance in the Bahamas
Expanding protected area boundaries in California
Enhancing protected area effectiveness in the Bahamas
Evaluating resource governance options in Anguilla
2015 Mesoamerican Reef Leadership Program Fellows
Seatone Core Service Areas
- Visioning and strategic planning
- Situational assessments and feasibility studies
- Multi-stakeholder facilitation, consensus building and conflict management
- Inter-agency planning and coordination
- Standards development and sustainable business practices
- Trainings, focus groups and workshops
- Mentoring and professional coaching